New Delhi: The IPL-Kochi franchisee row took a more intense turn as league commissioner Lalit Modi, unperturbed by BCCI chief Shashank Manohar’s rebuke, alleged that the Shashi Tharoor ‘linked’ group had a lot to hide and he had done no wrong by disclosing their names to public.
In an e-mail to the BCCI chief, he even went at lengths to say that the group “has lied about who is the actual owner of the shares” and is uncharacteristically mum on their association with Sunanda Pushkhar.
Modi had hinted that there was pressure on him not to reveal the details of who all owns Rendezvous saying, “I was told not to get into who owns Rendezvous, especially Sunanda Pushkar. Why?"
Modi`s tweets could land Tharoor in a fresh controversy as the union minister had vehemently claimed that he had no financial stake in the Kochi franchise. He however, is supposedly about to tie the knot with the Dubai-based Kashmiri girl.
"All I did on my part was to offer encouragement, blessings and expert advise when required to the bidders. Beyond that, I had no role to play. It’s a group of business people and I understand it’s a business decision," Tharoor had said.
Sources claimed that Modi was interested in having Ahmedabad as one of the franchises for the subsequent IPL seasons and was therefore creating problems for Kochi which emerged as the second highest bidder in the auction.
Kochi and Pune will be the two new teams from IPL 2011.
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